The Curious Ghost


I was strolling in the city one day with a friend and saw a really outstanding, beautiful garden. It was the Frosts’ garden. They have lots of different specimens of plants and trees, both in the back and in the front of the house. Before the Frosts moved to town, only the hanging flowers at Harley’s Hotel gave this kind of relief to me.

This street corner is really something
This street corner is really something (Bayou and Pontalba)

I had to go back to look at night to take another look.

The Frost garden at night, Rue de Woodget side
The Frost garden at night, Rue de Woodget side

This woke my curiosity about the gardens of New Toulouse, so the next day I went garden-spotting.

I found a raven sitting in his very own garden at the side of Miss Bayn’s place.

The raven seemed pleased
The raven seemed pleased

I also saw a Sea Garden.
Back of Miss Mirri's place on Shotgun Row
Back of Miss Mirri’s place on Shotgun Row

I found a Space Garden too.
At Miss Maggie's House of the Spirits
At Miss Maggie’s House of the Spirits

Another phenomenon in the city is potted gardens. One place, the Banana Gallery, is closed.
I do hope they have somebody to water the pots
I do hope they have somebody to water the pots

The trees of the city really make it kind of garden-like, even if most of the landowners are bit spartan in their gardening. The mayor is excused for this, anyway, as his garden at Maison Blanche has the lovely bucket we can jump into.
Home of the Bucket
Home of the Bucket

I found a luxury car parked under a tree at Wikifoo Manor, next to the mayor’s. I was thinking they must spend lots of free days to wash their car.
They must be washing this beauty often
They must be washing this beauty often

I managed to sneak a peek into a lovely secret garden near the cemetery. No one can enter it, since the gate is locked, so I guess the Frosts win the prize of the city.
Peeking into the secret garden
Peeking into the secret garden

We also have the bayou, which is one big garden all in its own. Here you can also find some really lovely gardens, like this one at Bayou #6.
Aodhan's home in the bayou
Aodhan’s home in the bayou

I must say the park of the city could need a bit more greenery, and the cemetery looks as if death took all the flowers too. But maybe living next to the bayou makes you wish for less greenery, and maybe lots of people have hay fever.

The Ghost of Liza Veliz fell in love with New Toulouse at first sight and established an existence in an old voodoo shack in the bayou. She publishes books, some of which can be found at her reading cafe at the French Market.