The Big Street-Naming Contest
Help choose names for our city’s streets!
To participate in the contest you must have been a member of Gens de New Toulouse for the past 30 days. By submitting an entry, even if your street name is not chosen, you will be entered into a raffle for prizes from local merchants. Winning street names will be chosen by the mayor’s select panel of judges, and the final decision will be the mayor’s. Raffle winners and winning street names will be announced on June 15.
How to Enter
• Make a notecard, and name it “SNC Entry for [your username].” Improperly named notecards will not be considered contest entries.
• You may submit up to five street names for consideration.
• If your name is for a particular street, embed a landmark in your notecard and include a short description.
• Send your entry to Yvonne Follet by May 31.
Some Ideas
• New Toulouse is based on New Orleans of the early twentieth century, so submitting historically significant names would be good.
• Submit names of SL avatars associated with New Toulouse and Bayou for their outstanding achievements; explain what these are. For example, Carricre Wind, founder of the estate.
• Submit any sort of street name you please, but explain why it should be considered.
Sample Contest Entry
SNC Entry from Jean Deaux [Name of the notecard]
Avatar Name: Jean Deaux [Username, not display name]
1. Rue du Violet Mouton—in English, Violet Mouton Street, so it looks like a person’s name (In honor of the magic sheep of old Algiers, and the famous Acadian general and governor)
2. Rue du Kingfish (historical)
3. Alley of Tears (because I lost my sweetheart there, and it’s romantic) [embedded landmark] (between the levee and the cross street)
4. Carricre Boulevard (because she was the founder)
5. Nightingale Parkway (because of the park) [embedded landmark] (the short road just north of Nightingale Park)
Many thanks to the following New Toulouse merchants for providing raffle prizes:
• Bricolage du Bayou
• Curiosities ala Jeaniesing
• The Curious Seamstress
• Grimalkin Workshop
• Harm’s Way Western Wear
• Humberview Antique Maps
• VictoriAnna
• Vintage Apparel Emporium