Police Blotter

A CALLER REPORTED that a man was pulling a bush out of the ground. Police determined that the man was weeding.
black-cat-wallpaperPATROLMEN BELL AND CHRISTEN made a good capture Wednesday evening at 5:15 o’clock when at Royal Street and Wikifoo Way, they caught Wm. Mars, 37 years old, and Caroll Varnado, 19 years old, in the act of attempting to dispose of a lot of brass, lead, and copper material which is believed to have been stolen. Mars claimed to have purchased the stuff at points along the river from St. James to New Toulouse, but the pair told so many conflicting tales that they are not believed at all. The material was brought to New Toulouse in a skiff, which it is thought may also have been stolen, as neither prisoner lives in this vicinity. Mars is said to be an ex-convict and, when charged so by the police, admitted that he served two years in the penitentiary for breaking into a grocery at Baldwin, La. Recorder Goff imposed the usual sentence of L$10 and twenty days and nine days additional in order to hold the suspects pending further investigation of the case.

A MAN ARRIVED HOME from vacation and could not open his safe; he said that someone had changed the combination, possibly using witchcraft.