Police Blotter

Discovering the home of John Steeley, 44 Rossignol street, afire at 5:30 this morning, Patrolman Nix, with the assistance of a small newsboy, broke into the dwelling and had half the furniture removed before firemen arrived. According to the officer’s report, he and the newsboy even removed a piano from the dwelling. No one was at home when the fire broke out. Firemen confined the blaze to the upper floor.

velva-syrupLove of fine silks led to the arrest in New Toulouse yesterday of Mrs. Anolda Quigley and Mrs. Alice Meriweather, two waitresses from Plaquemines Parish, on petit larceny charges. The women are said to have come to New Toulouse on a shopping trip, and while looking at goods in one of the stores, to have made away with several dollars’ worth of expensive fabrics. Inspector Palmer is holding the trunks of both women, pending word from local merchants.