Police Blotter
Mrs. J. E. Stevenson, 1400 Pontalba street, was attacked by a purse-snatcher early last evening while walking towards the streetcar line near her home. The man slipped out from a clump of bushes behind her, darted silently to her side, jerked the handbag from her fingers and ran swiftly away. Her loss was more than L$5.
Thieves broke into a tailor shop on Royal street one night last week and took two pairs of trousers belonging to Doctor Johnson.
Friday morning at 1 o’clock someone took charge of an automobile belonging to Robert Turner, as it stood in front of the residence of Mrs. Geo. Hornosky, 301 Nightingale street, and after enjoying a ride for three hours, returned it to a point nearby undetected. The machine was not damaged.
Burglaries supposedly by boys continue as heretofore, despite the vigilance of the police officers. On Monday morning when Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Mauldin were absent from their home on Pontalba street, the house was entered, and the thief rifled every drawer and armoir in the house, looking for money. A gold watch of Doctor Mauldin was lying on a dresser exposed, and still the thief passed it up and appropriated for his own use two white shirts instead. The scoundrel also ate all of the prepared food he could find before making his departure. Police Officer Broughton arrested a boy whom it is thought committed the offense, but there was no proof to hold him. The town is full of half-grown boys who take advantage of the juvenile laws which prevent their incarceration and punishment, and we have reason to believe this is the class who commit these breaches of the law.