Penitentiary yawns for chicken thieves, “goat-getters”
Baton Rouge, La., May 27.—Chickens of all species are sacred henceforth.
To appropriate one, be it feathered or not, is a felony under the terms of a bill of which Representative John L. Kelly gave notice in the House Monday.
But Dr. Kelly does not stop at that. His bill includes all domestic animals, whatever that means, nor does he draw any line to show whether the theft must be committed when the animals are alive, so that the thief who first killed his prey and then stole it would be equally guilty.
Chickens, dressed and otherwise, are therefore protected.
In addition Dr. Kelly wishes to save our tempers, wherefore he makes it a felony even to get a man’s goat.
In the title alone of the bill he provides for the protection of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, hogs, sheep, goats and dogs. What the bill itself will contain is being looked forward to by members with eager anticipation.