New firehouse in New Toulouse
The New Toulouse Firehouse opened Saturday morning with an impromptu ribbon-cutting ceremony involving no ribbon and no ceremony. Presiding were Mayor Henri Godenot and Fire Chief Jimmeh Obolensky.

Casually flicking a cigar butt into the watch desk’s wastepaper basket, Chief Obolensky stated, “Our top priority at the firehouse is the safety and health of every resident. To avoid fires, we ask that all stills and alcoholic beverages be removed from homes and delivered directly to the firehouse. Alcoholic beverages are the main cause of fires, and we have a very secure and safe way of disposing of them. We thank you for your cooperation.”

Several citizens said that they felt safer now that the city has made the switch from a horse-drawn engine to a motorized one. Miss Kristine Jinx-Kristan asked, “Does this mean I can start playing with matches again?” to which Mayor Godenot replied, “Yes, but you can’t run with scissors until we get a clinic.”
Gigi Lapin is a resident of New Toulouse Bayou and a connoisseur of fine carrots.