Letter to the editor
Will Prohibition win?
The Research Department of the Board of Temperance, Washington, D. C., is using every effort to collect every data they can and are spending enormous sums of money to bring forcefully to the attention of Congress, the greatest abuse from the results of consumption of intoxicating liquors and that their efforts are meeting with success will shortly be shown by the vote when the new bill comes up before our law makers.
Our little town furnished an incident on Christmas Eve that could be used by the Research Department as an object lesson over which some of our represntatives in Congress might ponder. Just about the time the people were going into the Catholic Church to attend the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, a young boy at the corner apparently from fourteen to sixteen years old, was so intoxicated that he was extremely boisterous, using profain and insulting language and as he staggered about the streets, he was a pitiful sight for those who had better training and were going to church at that time to pray for their souls and the souls of others. This poor boy was not altogether to blame. Perhaps a good mother has been trying to bring him up in the right path, but the real guilty one is the person who either gave or sold him the intoxicant, and they should be punished to the extreme. This incident is one of the many thousands that are making sure that National Prohibition will come within the next few years.
Mrs. John Desboulets
New Toulouse