Letter to the editor

Dear Madam,

Doubtless many of our citizens will have noticed the modest soup kitchen nestling alongside the Tarantula Arms and providing food for the destitute of New Toulouse. The more observant among them will have seen that is is run by the Gumbo Queen Relief Society and perhaps wondered briefly about this body before returning to their usual business.

I should like to draw your readers’ attention to the Society, and in particular dispel the scurrilous rumour that it is nothing more than an excuse for clowning around and wearing silly hats. Society members are compiling a cookbook with recipes contributed by Taloosters and their friends. These will be accompanied by anecdotes and stories of life in New Toulouse. It is our intention to sell the book both in SL and on the Aethernet, first in aetheric form; then, if there is sufficient interest, as a printed book. The money thus raised will go to a charity in our Real Life mother city of New Orleans: Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana. New Orleans was our Founder’s inspiration, it is our inspiration, and our aim is to give something back.

There is no charge to join the Gumbo Queen Relief Society. While you need not be much of a cook, we do require interest and enthusiasm; a certain amount of clowning around is permitted, and silly hats, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Yours, etc

Francesca Alva, Gumbo Queen and Queen of Silly Hats