Known emergency services


• Food and beds at the Krewe of Bast emergency shelter, top floor of Spiegel Hall
Harley’s Hotel, always welcoming
• The third floor of Our Lady of Mercy Hospital has food and beds
House of the Spirits has several cots available
• The No. 23 Firehouse has some cots upstairs
• Rest and listen to radio theater at Liza Veliz’s cafe (climb the rope to get up)
• Medicinal substances upstairs at the Green-Eyed Fairy
The Still House is still, amazingly, serving up daily specials
• Sleep at the Tattler office, if worse comes to worst


Customhouse (NE city)
• What was once a SE city dock
City side of the cross-channel ferry route (NW city, behind the Green-Eyed Fairy—follow the beacon)
Bayou train depot (SW bayou)
Atelier Vert (NE bayou)