Hot Spots: The Green-eyed Fairy
Miss Francesca Alva owns and runs the Green-eyed Fairy, a merry drinking and dancing landmark in New Toulouse. Miss Alva, an elegant woman of a certain age, takes great pride in having run this establishment since 2009. The club’s posh amenities are a reflection of the owner herself. “It is a labor of love and a place for people to just come and hang out, listen to good music, and dance. I have a well-stocked bar and a well-stocked Intan [dance machine],” explained Miss Alva.
The main room is decorated in a wash of green color like the fairy eyes that the club is named after—or perhaps it is green like the absinthe imbibed in great quantities by patrons and owner alike. The upright piano and the interesting artwork and themed ephemera adorning the walls create the impression that the arts are fully endorsed and enjoyed here at the Green-eyed Fairy.
During Founder’s Week in New Toulouse, the Green-eyed Fairy held an event with music played by the ever-popular Miz Carter Denja; the party harkened back to one of the club’s historic traditions. “RL issues for me meant that after 2010 I couldn’t be inworld much, but prior to that I had a monthly blues event DJed by Soliel Snook. I am hoping to resume events on a more regular basis here, and later this year there will be a tiny dance to aid the Relay for Life team Tiny Steps for a Cure.” said Miss Alva, who can be a biggie or a tiny any day of the week, depending on a plethora of reasons.
The Green-eyed Fairy—not to be confused with the Green Fairy of Winterfell—specializes in blues, jazz, and tarot cards. Miss Alva, pouring herself another glass of absinthe, hastened to add, “There is also an opium den.”
A thriving music venue in New Toulouse always embodies the enthusiasm of a passionate entrepreneur. Miss Alva’s reason for selecting this richly themed community was simple but compelling. Pouring yet another glass of absinthe, she explained, “The minute I set foot in New Toulouse, I was overwhelmed. I didn’t just want to be here—I knew I had to be here. The Green-eyed Fairy belongs here and nowhere else.”
Habana Jazz is a resident of New Toulouse and calls his mother every week.