Hot Spots: Shotgun Row Blues Cafe

The musical sounds of New Toulouse and New Toulouse Bayou are rich in variety. From jazz to zydeco, to the blues and popular crooners such as Eddie Cantor, the streets of this city offer a melodious gumbo to a public whose appetite for good music is ravenous every day of the week.

To help hungry nightlife revelers, the Tattler is proud to present an overview of the city’s musical venues. It is a reference guide for citizens and visitors alike.

This feature will be published in installments and will recur when new clubs open.

Shotgun Row Blues Cafe

Shotgun Row Blues Cafe

Proprietor Mirri Rosca’s establishment is relatively new. Located in the historic Shotgun Row section of town, Miss Rosca’s club does the blues, as the name of this popular establishment implies.

“We have live blues DJs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I intend to bring in live performers and special events on occasion outside of the normal schedule,” Miss Rosca explained with great enthusiasm, which is encouraged by the large number of patrons this new venue has seen in just one month of operation, and her own determined spirit. “I have managed other clubs before, though this is my first time owning one.”

The club and handsomely appointed parlor are also available for private affairs and meetings whenever scheduled performances are not taking place.

Shotgun Row Blues Cafe occupies a beautiful site beside the bustling dock of the French Market. The dance floor outdoors overlooks the river and seems especially romantic when the moon is full. You can also rest your tired dogs at one of the tables lining the courtyard walls, or just have a drink and a chat at the bar with bartender-comedian Gregg.

“I originally chose New Toulouse because I fell in love on first sight!” said Miss Rosca when asked why she picked New Toulouse to establish her business. “This region captures the feeling of New Orleans more than any other place I have visited. We have an active and friendly group of residents here—again something I have not experienced to this extent elsewhere. I am only happier with all of the recent changes! New Toulouse is thriving! Our new mayor, Mr. Henri Godenot, and his staff are to be commended for all of their hard work and dedication to bringing improvements, and ensuring the happiness of residents and visitors to our beautiful city and bayou.”

Habana Jazz is a resident of New Toulouse and calls his mother every week.