Horse collides with automobile
Tuesday morning a horse belonging to A. R. Arceneaux, and carrying two small boys on his back, Eldridge, the son of Mr, Arceneaux, and Travis LaTour, became frightened at the barking of a small but innocent dog, the proportions of which he was unable to determine owing to slightly impaired visionaries, and dashed through the streets at a terrible pace.
Mr. E. C. Barnett and son Frank were driving towards the French Market from the ice house when they spied the runaway and stopped with the intention of catching the horse and thereby saving the youngsters from an uncertain fate. The horse, not observing Mr. Barnett’s Ford car, dashed into it at full speed, throwing the boys promiscuously. Travis LaTour suffered several severe cuts as he passed through the wind shield, while the Arceneaux boy escaped, much frightened, but with no serious injury.
Mr. Barnett acknowledged that the fact that his car was a Ford car is the only thing that saved it from total destruction. As it was, the front of his car presented a sad appearance with the wind shield gone, the radiator caved in and useless, and the fenders somewhat dislocated. He also thinks that the town ordinance requiring autos to have good and sufficient headlights should also apply to horses.
Jack Mondieu is a figment of your imagination.