“Goat Gang” on the rampage

Artist's conception of Goat Gang leader and his moll
Artist’s conception of Goat Gang leader and his moll
Be careful where you hang your washing.

That’s the advice of Miss Miette Lin, the proprietor of Lin Laundry, who says that she returned from making a delivery to find a shaggy intruder atop her nightstand. After the interloper departed, she noticed that two pairs of red long johns were missing.

A spokesman for the New Toulouse Street Railway Company says that passengers should expect streetcar delays, “due to random appearances of groups of Goats at intersections.”

Police warn that the gang members are dangerous. “The Goats wear distinctive headgear shaped like horns,” said Inspector Palmer. “If you see one, do not approach him, but instead telephone us for help.”

One man sustained minor bruising during an altercation with a Goat and even spilled his coffee. “Looka dat bruise,” said Mr. Boudreaux. “Dat ain’t no leetle bruise.”

Gigi Lapin lives in New Toulouse Bayou with her pet crawfish, Jimbo.