Festive New Toulouse
We may not be getting a white Christmas, but Taloosters are getting into the holiday spirit. Here are some photographs taken around town, along with information on gifts you can pick up.
There’s mistletoe at Laveau Square—grab your sweetheart and take a photo!
Just north of the square, collect your present from the tree at the Consulate of Europa Wulfenbach.
West of the square, Miss Skye Qi has an advent calendar at her Vintage Apparel Emporium, featuring a new gift each day. If you miss a day, the gifts are still available for a small sum. She’s also giving away this vibrant rainbow tree!

On Bayou Street, there’s a gift for you under the tree at the Tarantula Arms. While you’re there, why not have some of Miz Ethel’s Christmas cake and coffee in the dining room?
Next door on Bayou, the Green-Eyed Fairy has three gifts for you out front!
Check out the small exhibit of Christmas books at the Kate Chopin Library, and take the books home with you for free. If you haven’t yet visited our little floating library, be sure to browse the bookshelves too.
Harley’s Hotel on Lion Court has gifts for you under the tree—including a miracle!

We didn’t find any freebies at Belina’s on Nightingale, but Miss Belle does stock charming, inexpensive holiday decorations.
The Shotgun Row Gallery Cafe has a cozy fireplace, complete with egg nog.
Even the Old Spanish Stable is sporting festive decor! (And the chili lights are for sale and inexpensive.)
Finally, here is the new Tattler office. Although we’re not quite moved in yet, Miss Niki insisted on engaging what she calls a “Fishmas Santa” to stand outside and distribute gifts and “fish nog.”
Gigi Lapin is glad she is a bunny and therefore not really expected to drink fish nog, whatever that is. She lives in New Toulouse Bayou.