WANTED—S. C. White Leghorn males for breeders. Phone NT-207.
24-FT. glass cabin launch, first-class condition, 6 h. p. engine. Will trade for real estate or Ford. Address Box O-4, Tattler.
FOR SALE—Generator, 2 k. w., suitable for charging batteries or lighting, cheap. NT-338.
FOR SALE CHEAP—Three geese and one gander, 3 years old, 50-egg strain. 55 Pontalba, New Toulouse.
[rented] MAISON ROSE building, both floors, commercial use approved. Call Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.
REFINED woman to sell direct from mill to wearer high grade silk hosiery; plain, clocked and embroidered French styles. Individual trade only; not sold to stores. Liberal compensation for full time or splendid opportunity to augment a slender income. Experience not necessary. International Silk Mills, Norristown, Pa.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
WANTED—Experienced house-to-house solicitors. Phone sales manager, NT-942 Thursday Friday and Sunday.
IF YOU NEED a night watchman, phone NT-671.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Rosenberg-Neugass Company of New Toulouse has been dissolved by unanimous consent of its stockholders. Signed: ROSENBERG-NEUGASS COMPANY Feb 22.
TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS—The Police Jury of New Toulouse Parish calls the attention of Automobile Owners that the speed limit of the Parish is on 25 miles per hour. Violators will be dealt with accordingly. (Signed) H. Bodin, Secty.
NOTICE—First class dressmaking, tailoring and remodeling. Party dresses a specialty. Mesdames Wood and Mouse, NT-855.
YOU WOULD entertain more if you could get out of the responsibility of providing refreshments. Why not leave the catering to us? Our service is very satisfactory, and the charges are reasonable. ODENWALD & GROS, Makers of Custard Ice Cream For Over 30 Years. Phone NT-588.
SOUTHERN merchant, 56, worth L$50,000, would marry. D-Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio.
WIDOW worth L$120,000, lonely, would marry. All letters containing stamp answered, address, R. H., Mission Unity, San Francisco.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.