YOUNG man, in steady employment, wishes to borrow L$100 at 15 per cent; security; no loan office. Box S-3, Tattler.
DREDGE BOAT for sale, practically new, built by the Marion Steam Shovel Company of Marion, Ohio. For terms and further particulars apply to NT-338.
RED DRUM PLACE, good clean modern unfurnished apartment, balcony overlooks parade route. Call Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.
WANTED—A first-class stenographer for position of private secretary; must have speed, accuracy and neatness as a typist; state experience, education and wages to start, subject to making good. Give all the information you would want if you were about to engage a stenographer. Address J-544, Tattler office.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
WANTED—At once, sewing by the day or piece. Miss Molumby, NT-942.
GRAND ANNOUNCEMENT—The art gallery Maison De La Femme Impatient is changing its name to Rouge Rogue because neighbors were complaining about the former title’s use of abysmal French. The gallery showcases the work of two best friends, artists, and pioneer residents of New Toulouse. LilyDay Darkstone is an impressive self-taught artist whose personal works, using a variety of mediums, tap into the ethereal thread of human emotion and feeling. Miss Darkstone is also extensively involved in many public art projects in various communities. Bedlamie Thunders longs for the days when artists had wealthy patrons who told them what to paint, and prefers to cater to a client. The artists gladly welcome any interested looky-loos to the gallery while it is being renovated. Rouge Rogue, Red Drum Place #2, Basin Street.
KREWE CAPTAINS—Reserve a spot for your float in the big Samedi Gras Parade on February 6 this year! Get info and apply to be a captain in the City Hall Research Room.
FREE BOATS! That’s right, in order to encourage participation Le Krewe Du Canard’s Lundi Gras boat parade, Doctor Avalon, “head quack” of the parade, is providing FREE BOATS! Find them at the Research Room at City Hall and decorate them as you wish. That parade is on February the 8th, more information (and great pictures of last year) available at City Hall. Any questions, phone Doctor Avalon at NT-290.
WHEN YOUR HORSE is sick, phone Dr. V. Li Rocchi, NT-532.
PERSONAL—Alice, if you want to see your mother alive, come home immediately. Her life despaired of unless she can see you; wire your answer. O. F. Conrad, 1010 Asbury avenue, Asbury Park, N. J.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.