WANTED—Taloosters to take part in the Krewe Du Canard Lundi Gras boat parade. On Monday, Feb 8th, boats will parade along the Missedabracket River, then will return and enjoy a party at nearby “Toulouse Caboose.” Creativity in choice of boat encouraged. Contact Doctor Avalon at NT-290 for info.
FOR SALE—Victor graphophone, cost L$30, 29 records, good as new, good music, for L$15. Write or call 42 Royal st., city.
I CAN fit you with L$5 eye glasses for L$1. Broken lenses duplicated. Stine, 77 Woodget.
DANDY LITTLE SHACK in New Toulouse Bayou, L$120/week furnished. La Vie Bayou #4, convenient to rail depot, ferry, fishing. Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.
STOREFRONT available, L$200/week. Inquire at #5 Pirate Alley, New Toulouse, or telephone Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, at NT-333.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
REAL RUSSIAN GIANT to handle your toughest jobs. I work like mule for you. Find Boris at the docks.
WE ARE LOOKING for a worker, either mechanic or office man, who will put up L$2,000 or L$3,000 to get going manufacturing and retail business out of debt, and accept a good position in it. Phone NT-459.
KREWE CAPTAINS—Reserve a spot for your float in the big Samedi Gras Parade this year! Get info and apply to be a captain in the City Hall Research Room.
GREAT NEWS! The Outdoor Loo at the zombie spot in the bayou is updated to latest fashion with gas light for pleasant updating on The Tattler and some Sonnets by W. Shakespeare. Take a moment for yourself. View is marvellous too, if you prefer to not close the door. Be aware though, that the zombies don’t add to the fun by being playful. The might kill you over there. Have a nice thrill. IZED Zombieland, #14 Old Bayou Road.
DOCTOR AVALON wishes to announce that on February first, 6–8pm SLT, the Aquavitae health spa and Bath-house will resume it’s legendary Toga Party! This theme is “NOT a Valentine’s day party” so feel free to dress in a manner that either celebrates or mocks that Holiday. DJ Jade Kaligawa will provide music. Free Togas are offered of course.
WHEN THE TIME COMES that you really need a smuggler, will you want to work with a stranger? Establish an important business relationship today, smuggle something just for fun. Use Nocturnal Aviation, we’ve been carrying secret cargoes for over a fiftieth of a century.
LADIES, WHEN IN NEED of legal or confidential advice why not confer with one of your own sex? Gentlemen also welcome. Contact Alva Investigations, #6, The French Market. Tel: NT-911.
IF YOU DON’T FIND WHAT YOU WANT on this page, advertise for it. Don’t delay—run that little ad today. Phone NT-668.
SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently destroyed; reduced rates; work guaranteed; by appointment. G-3, Tattler.
HIGHLY respected, quiet young man, not acquainted here, would like assistance in becoming acquainted with some congenial young women, ages 20 to 30. G-2, Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.