NO RENT to pay all winter if you want 3-room house and will do some foundation and plaster repairs. Address K-597, Tattler.
ORGANIZERS to captain parties of nine to buy 10-acre tracts Florida garden and fruit land; good commission and expenses of captain’s trip reimbursed to prove the land; no experience needed; good talking only. L-598, Tattler.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
FIRST-CLASS meat cutter and all-around butcher wants steady position. Box 515, New Toulouse, La.
WANTED—Position as electric light plant engineer in a town if 800 to 1,500 population; can take entire charge and give good satisfaction; references exchanged. A. L. Richardson, Alexis, Ill.
SISTER GOLD, Traiteur. Is your True Love True? Are you? Sister Gold knows. NT-528.
SOUTHERN PACIFIC Sunset Route—FIRST IN SAFETY and the Standard Route to the West, Four Trains daily to Texas, Two Trains daily to California and intermediate points. CLEAN Oil Burning Locomotives and SAFE Electric Block Signals.
DR. ZIP’S Radium Throat Lozenges will soothe and leave you with a glowing, vibrant voice.
NOW OPEN: Professor Inglewood’s Grand Observatorium! A grand museum dedicated to the strange and bizarre. Professor Inglewood has traveled the world in search of curiosities to amaze and stupefy even the most jaded observer. See the Fi GI Mermaid! Marvel at the ancient mummies! Behold photographs of actual spirits from beyond! The Grand Observatorium is not for the faint of heart. It is not recommended for children or unaccompanied ladies. Professor Inglewood can not be held responsible for those who experience the vapors or hysterics while visiting the Grand Observatorium. Located at #6 Basin Street. Ten cents admission.
LOST—1 brown mare mule and 1 black gelding mule, weight about 1,000 lbs. Notify NT-823 and receive reward.
ELECTRIC SIGNS—Will make electric signs for small car. Prefer a Ford. Address SC-697, Tattler.
RAINCOAT, size 38; three mouthharps, 2 leather pocket xigar cases, one carnival torch, 2-burner; 1 pair of hip boots, size 9. What have you? Addres SC-378, Tattler.
2,000 SHARES STOCK in Wyoming coal mine, par value L$1. Will trade for autos, or what have you? Address SC-694, Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.