WANTED—The public to know that we are paying a very fancy price for green hides. Hutchinson & Snellgrove, NT-754.
ARMSTRONG can sell you wagons. He has them, and there are none better.
ENCYCLOPEDIA of Architecture, Carpentry and Building, 10 vol. of 3000 illustrations, has never been used. For further information, NT-518.
RED DRUM PLACE, unfurnished room, balcony overlooks Basin Street. For particulars, phone Aubert, NT-109.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
WANTED—Several competent middle-aged men to sell nursery stock for live firm all year around. Commission paid every week. Brown Brothers Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
DO YOU know in your heart that something isn’t right, but just can’t put your finger on it? Do you have gaps in your memory? Did you think you saw a flying squid by the river? We have the answers that they’re trying to keep from you. Only L$1 for a pamphlet that reveals all. BZ, NT-534.
NOTICE—I am now ready to begin my fall sewing. Will be pleased to meet my old customers and also any new ones who would like sewing done. Mrs. Hannah W. Sims, 520 Ursulines.
LOST—Cameo brooch at Our Lady of Bourbon Street; reward. Phone NT-338.
NEW TOULOUSE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the New Toulouse Street Railway Company to ascertain whether they left it in the streetcars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call NT-795.
FULL-BLOODED Scotch collie dog to trade for Singer drop-head sewing machine; dandy dog for children. Address SC-268, Tattler.
SANITARY couch, kitchen table, spade, two shovels, two rakes, hoe and coal scuttle, to trade for reading lamp or farm products, such as jelly grapes, apples, etc. Address SC-269, Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.