

WANTED TO RENT—Typewriter, any standard make, for month or longer. Address, stating terms, P. O. BOX 812, city.


AZALEAS, in 1 gallon cans, L$0.25 apiece. Also grapes, peaches, persimmons, citrus. Naquin’s Nursery, NT-415.

CYPRESS, cut to order. We are also taking orders for the new Ply-Wood product. St. Martin’s, NT-743.


WANTED—At once, barber who is solo cornet player. Address J-738, Tattler.

STENOG.-COMPTOMETER OPERATOR—Bright, neat appearing young lady, experienced, rapid; salary to suit ability; give age, experience, salary, etc. Address A-867, Tattler.

THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


EXPERIENCED night watchman, with best of city references, wants position. Address P-109, Tattler.

A LADY, 32, without incumbrance, desires position as housekeeper. Address J-81, Tattler.

MR. HARRY LEABERRY, care Red Drum Place, New Toulouse, wishes to negotiate with a firm of repute to represent same. He now is disengaged through the war in Europe. Can give highest credentials.


DESIRABLE ROOM with balcony overlooking Basin Street, in modern electrified courtyard building. Apply to Red Drum Place #3 or to M. Aubert, NT-109.


DO YOU KNOW in your heart that something isn’t right, but just can’t put your finger on it? Do you have gaps in your memory? Did you think you saw a pyramid in the town square? We have the answers that they’re trying to keep from you. Only L$1 for a pamphlet that reveals all. BZ, NT-534.

BEGUE’S RESTAURANT AND SALOON on Rossignol Street is now open for business. Come relax and enjoy a full service dining experience. Weekend reservations are available. Also enjoy libations, dancing and socializing at happy hour in the balcony saloon on weeknights from 6 to 7pm SLT.


PERCOLATOR—Will swap brand new 7-cup copper percolator, alcohol, for baby’s bed or high chair. Address SC-184, Tattler.

SEWING MACHINE—Singer, cost L$65; looks like new; in good condition. Might trade for chickens, or what have you? Address SC-185, Tattler.

SPANISH and civil war relics, 2 swords and 17th century revolver. Ten Indian relics. What have you got. Address SC-189, Tattler.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.