WANTED TO BUY—Green okra, not over 3 inches long. Will pay from 50 to 75 cents per hamper. A. Gabriel, at Red Drum Place.
FOR SALE—3 strand hair switch, made of my own hair; color dark brown. Call Mrs. Marshall, No. 53 Pontalba.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
HARVEST IS COMING. Domingue has horses, mules, wagons and crews. See me at the mill. DOMINGUE.
MOSS CRAB SAUCE now 15c. Buy a bottle.
A WOMAN RAN OVER to a neighbor’s house to read the classified ads in the New Toulouse Tattler. Want ads work wonders.
THE TOULOUSE CABOOSE is proud to showcase the talents of DJ Dr. Erica Fairywren on august 31st, 6-8pm SLT. She will have Jazz ranging from Dixieland to Avant-Garde, as well as a few other surprises. Also, check out new food and drink, including the mysterious Italian delicacy called “Pizza” that the Doctor discovered in New York, as well as her new picnic area. No, this is not like the spa event on the first Monday of the month; this will be the LAST Monday of the month from now on. However, if you are crazy enough to wear a toga in the Bayou, we won’t stop you.
NOTICE OF SALE. Office of Collector of Internal Revenue, New Toulouse, La., Aug. 15, 1915. In pursuance of the provisions of Section 3460 R. R., notice is hereby given that I will sell at public auction at the freight house of the Texas and Pacific Railway Company, New Toulouse Bayou, Louisiana, on the 21st day of August at 12 o’clock p. m., TWO BARRELS OF WHISKEY which have been seized and forfeited to the United States. J. Y. Fauntleroy, Collector.
LOST BILL CASE—Lost between New Toulouse and St. Martinville about 14 days ago, one Alligator covered pocket case with one subscription book of Chain Oil Co. and two shares of stock issued to Luke Trainor and Fred Decuir enclosed. The public is warned not to negotiate same. Finder will please return to the undersigned and get reward. J. S. Suttle, New Toulouse, La.
BEEF TAKEN UP, New Toulouse Bayou, La., Aug. 7, 1915. Taken up by the undersigned, a four-year-old Beef which strayed onto my property on August 1st. The animal bears the following description: white streak upon face and shoulder. Owner can recover same upon paying all costs of keeping and advertising, otherwise same will be sold in accordance with law on Saturday, Sept. 5, 1915. Sam C. Jones.
FOUR swarms of bees for sale or trade. What have you? Address SC-1306, care Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.