YOUNG MAN, Knight of Columbus, wants board and room in private Catholic family. Address C-342, Tattler.
FOX HOUND PUPPIES for sale—L$2 each. Mother a fine rabbit hunter. Address C. H. Weitz, Box 424, New Toulouse Bayou, La.
PRIVATE secretary, young man 25–30 years of age, bright, brainy, having several years’ experience in stenographic work; must furnish best of references. Brains and ability will be well paid for. Give age, references, salary, etc. Address C-726, Tattler.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
YOUNG Englishman, gardener, does not drink or smoke, will take care of young lawn or any kind of garden work. NT-137.
WANTED by young lady, place with private family, city or country, to do housework or sewing. Address Box 33, Route 8, Worthington, Minn.
WANTED—A position playing piano in moving picture show. NT-671.
INDUSTRIOUS peaceful young man with means would like to get acquainted with sensible, good looking, congenial young lady; object matrimony. M-1, Tattler.
EATING MEAT builds up your muscle, a juicy steak will make you hustle. With muscle and hustle, THE WORLD IS YOURS. Try Perrineau’s lake cow steak tonight.
DOCTOR AVALON would like to inform that the Toga Party scheduled for Wednesday will instead be on MONDAY, July 20th. still 6-8pm, still dj Maddox. Same decadence, new time. Thank you.
NOTICE—Succession of Ozam D. Metoyer. Achille P. Rachal, administrator, having this day filed his final account of administration, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to show cause within 10 days from date hereof why the same should not be homologated. Done and signed this July 17th, 1915. D. J. Hyams, Clerk.
LOST—Will finder of baby’s white lace hat oblige baby by calling NT-823. Reward.
BULLDOG—Have an English bulldog, about 2 years old, to trade. What have you? Address SC-1231, Tattler.
SAFETY RAZOR—Gillette safety razor, never used, triple silver plated, 12 blades, in leather case, cost L$8; will swap for good revolver. Also 2 cameras (small) to swap for anything of equal value. Address SC-1216, Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.