

FOR SALE—Choice Creole Onion seeds, and dried Shallots. For further particulars telephone NT-459.

THE COMIC song hit, “Mama’s the Man at Our House.” Sample free. Postage. Song Supply Co., 750 Kelly St., Portland, Ore.


THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


MAN and wife wants a steady place on a farm by the year; am handy with tools in carpenter work; want a separate house, fuel, cow, small garden pot. Address B-687, Tattler.


THE PARISH LAND OFFICE has been moved to the newly renovated old Spanish government building on Carricre Street facing Laveau Square.

BY POPULAR DEMAND, Doc Avalon will be holding a second “Toga Party” at the Roman spa. This time it will be held on Wednesday, July 22, at 6:30-8:30 pm SLT (or until the cops show up.) If you missed the first one, do not miss this one! TOGA! TOGA!

BABY boy for adoption, 2 months old. Address S-697, Tattler.


LOST, on Friday evening, July 10th, between Missedabracket Salvage and St. Louis Cemetery, a silver friendship bracelet with five links. Initials on same are L. E. S., I. B., R. M. B. and E. M. H. If found return to 521 Ursulines.


CUFFS, BOLO, DAGGER, ETC.—Hand-cuffs, one bolo (relic), three daggers, ivory handle dagger, complete rainproof suit and hat. What have you? Address SC-1195, Tattler.

REVOLVERS, ETC.—New Butter cup cutters, two auto side lamps, one H. & R. 32 revolver, one flash light, one tent top, 8×10. Let me hear from you. Address SC-1205, Tattler.

VIOLIN, GUNS, ETC.—Chuch-a-luck cloth, 10 ft. long; genuine Stradivarius violin; Winchester and Remington pump guns, with leather cases. Address SC-1208, Tattler.

WILL trade a classy looking raceabout for a four-door five or seven-passenger car. Address SC-1206, Tattler.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.