INFORMATION WANTED—As to address of J. N. Briggs, formerly of New Toulouse Bayou, La. Believed to be running store in N. W. La. To his advantage to be located at once. Address Y-513, Tattler.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
[sold] NICE SPOT with incredible view in the corner of an island on the bayou for sale. The island is served by a ferry. Very charming, with mooing cows nearby and some goats occasionally visiting for company. Lot size is 512m and 234 prims, only L$475 weekly rent, buy for L$5757. Bayou #32, Veliz, NT-667.
TWO CEMETERY PLOTS in the St. Louis Cemetery with green view and river view for sale. L$1795 for both or L$990 each, no. 33 and no. 34. Veliz, NT-667.
AH! THE INVIGORATING Whiff Of The Pine Forest! How it clears the throat and head of its mucous ailments. It is this spirit of Newness and Vigor from the health-giving Piney Forests brought back by Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey. Antiseptic and healing. But a bottle today. All druggists. Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic.
IF YOU DON’T FIND WHAT YOU WANT on this page, advertise for it. Don’t delay—run that little ad today. Phone NT-668.
NO GOAT INSURANCE? No problem. We can still work with you, on a percentage basis. Call Nocturnal Aviation, dba Banana Importers, NT-102.
PLEASE HELP find Boudreaux’s lucky marbles! Rewards offered. Go to the New Toulouse land office for more information.
LOST—Old bay horse, one white foot, star in forehead. Telephone NT-534.
AUTO—A 4-pass. auto body, top, wind-shield and other parts for anything requiring less room or something that man or beast can eat. Can be seen at any time. SC-980, Tattler.
BOAT—Gas launch boat, A-1 factory made, ½-inch cypress, ¼-sawed oak decks, coning and inside panels, fine brass trimmings, 18 ft. long, 4-h. p. make and break engine, canopy top, cork cushions, anchor, fire extinguisher and brass lamps, fully equipped. For run-about automobile or small touring car. SC-988, Tattler.
CLOCK—What have you to swap for a nice, artistic parlor or mantle clock, personal property? SC-984, Tattler.
PIANO—Will give piano for the keeping of two boys. Address SC-976, Tattler.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.