

BOUDREAUX SPOTTERS ILLIANCE looking for where Boudreaux put them marbles. Was Boudreaux over by you? Maybe you got a marble over there. Leave word for Robicheaux over by the Mamou depot.


WANTED—We wish to obtain the temporary services of a business man of standing in New Toulouse. Remunerative. Address The Dewey Company, Woodward Building, Washington, D. C.

THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.

BARBER WANTED—State age and experience; if you “booze,” do not write. Enos. O. Wonder, New Toulouse, La.


REFINED LADY wishes board in private family in exchange for companionship or light services. Address C-326, Tattler.


[rented] CHOICE APARTMENT—Modern room in pleasant courtyard building; electric light and city water; good balcony overlooking the street; recently exorcised. Inquire at Red Drum Place #3, Basin Street.

HOUSE FOR RENT at water’s edge on Old Bayou Road. Inquire of M. Valcour, NT-787.


[sold] A FINE BUILDING LOT, size 512 square meters, on the island where Mayor Godenot’s houseboat is docked. Will sell for L$1024. Apply to Bayou #32.

CEMETERY PLOT for sale, in the St. Louis Cemetery, with or without tomb. For particulars, address MRS. EMELINE ROUSSEL, Box 428, Plaquemines, La.


FREE BIRD COOKIES while they last. Please, no icing on the radio knobs. Fifolet, Bayou #2.

HAVE YOU SATISFIED your sweet tooth with GREEN’S PERFECT CAKES? A big cake for L$1. Ask your grocer if he has it. If not, why not. GREEN CAKE CO., 715 St. Peter St.


SANITARY PLUMBING—an important factor in the matter of Good Health. Much sickness is due to defective plumbing. BETTER SEE US THIS TIME. Charlton Bros., 2857 Carondelet St.


AUTO FOR MOTORCYCLE—Have 30 h. p. car, stripped for racing; engine, transmission, magneto, etc., just overhauled. Rear tires 35×4-inch Nobby Threads and new. Only late model two-speed motorcycles considered on this car, if anything like even trade is expected. Address SC-923, Tattler.

FOUR-HOLE gas range to trade for baby cab. Address SC-911, Tattler.

RED DAHLIAS for other colors or other plants. Address SC-916, Tattler.

SEALSKINS—Have 1 whole Alaskan sealskin; 2 Alaskan seal ladies’ coats; have been used for exhibition only, and 4 whole deer skins; will trade for 5-passenger car in good condition. Address Y-479, Tattler.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.