

BOUDREAUX SPOTTERS ILLIANCE looking for where Boudreaux put them marbles. Was Boudreaux over by you? Maybe you got a marble over there. Leave word for Robicheaux over by the Mamou depot.

WANTED—Let me clean your wall-paper. I am the man that knows how. Call Edward Lee. NT-137 or drop me a postal card addressed to 170 Rue de Woodget, New Toulouse.


THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


FOR RENT—Modern room in pleasant courtyard building; electric light and city water; good balcony overlooking the street; recently exorcised. Inquire at Red Drum Place #3, Basin Street.

HOUSE FOR RENT at water’s edge on Old Bayou Road. Inquire of M. Valcour, NT-787.


FOR SALE—A brick tomb, in the St. Louis Cemetery, capable of receiving 15 bodies. In good state of preservation and with marble slab bearing the inscription: “Famille Florestant Hymel.” For particulars, address MRS. EMELINE ROUSSEL, Box 428, Plaquemines, La.


EATING MEAT builds up your muscle, a juicy steak will make you hustle. With muscle and hustle, THE WORLD IS YOURS. Try Perrineau’s lake cow steak tonight.

NO GOAT INSURANCE? No problem. We can still work with you, on a percentage basis. Call Nocturnal Aviation, dba Banana Importers, NT-102.


LOST—Taken from streetcar, Thursday, coffee sample case. Return to M. A. Lloyd, Rossignol Guest House. Liberal reward. No questions asked.


MOTOR BOAT—One twenty-foot motor boat, 4 horsepower Ferrow engine. Will trade for Ford Roadster or touring car. SC-901.

CORN POPPER—A L$500 No. 12 Rotary corn popper, capacity 12 bu. per hour; a large candy furnace, with copper candy kettle; all above have both gas and gasoline attachments. All as good as new. Also complete set of candy recipes, to swap for piano or what have you? Address SC-872, Tattler.

EDISON MOVING PICTURE MACHINE for motorcycle, chickens or anything of equal value; price, L$750. Address SC-892, Tattler.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.