

WANTED TO BUY—Second-hand Ford. Must be in good shape. Address P-7, The Tattler.

KREWE CAPTAIN seeking krewe members. Must have sense of humor. Payment in liquor and food provided courtesy of the Cup and Harp. Contact Doctor Avalon, NT-290.


MEN WANTED FOR DETECTIVE work; also taught by former U.S. Govt. detective. Write J. Ganor, 2309 Calumet, Chicago.

HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


[rented] HOUSE ON OLD BAYOU ROAD, suitable for home or small shop. For particulars phone Valcour, NT-787.


TRAINED HUNTER, 5-16 bloodhound, 11-16 fox hound; price L$7. L. F. V., care Tattler.


HE CAME BACK—The Gulf Coast Rug representative is here. If you have any old carpets you wish woven into fluffy rugs notify S. A. Dobner, NT-978.

FOR HIRE—MASQUERADE COSTUMES, dominoes mask, wigs, beards; country orders promptly filled. Apply Snell 241 Bourbon St., phone NT-257.

HAULING IS OUR HOBBY. Ashes, garbage, rubbish. Ten years reasonable faithful work in New Toulouse. F. E. PARRIS: We Do Any Old Job.


ALL PERSONS having bills against the parish are hereby respectfully requested to present same to the Police Jury on Wednesday preceding the regular monthly meeting, otherwise these bills will not be paid until the following meeting of the Police Jury. H. Bodin, Secretary.

ANY YOUNG WOMAN IN NEED of a friendly hand will find it at Ascension House, upstairs Ascension Cafe, Gloryville (entrance from Pontalba street).


BROOCH—Sapphire and diamond horseshoe; lost at the entrance of the Cree Hotel, Saturday evening, January 31, about 6:15 o’clock. Finder, who was seen to pick it up, will be rewarded by leaving it at Cree Hotel office at once.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.