WILL PAY FAIR PRICE for land in the vicinity of Wikifoo’s place, near Lafitte’s. Contact Jake Wikifoo, NT-523.
THREE quartet singers immediately. State age, height, weight, part you can sing, range of voice and experience. Address Tattler, Box T-3.
HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
MAN wants work for board and room. Add. R-14, Tattler.
WANTED—Lady of middle age wishes situation as companion to an elderly person or invalid, or housekeeper for widower; am also good seamstress, plain sewing or dressmaking. R-6, Tattler.
[RENTED] SPACIOUS ROOM for rent in modern electrified building. Entrance off quiet courtyard, nice river view. #5 Red Drum Place.
LAND FOR SALE—Shotgun Row #7. Property can come with or without house. L$3000 negotiable. Contact Doctor Avalon, NT-290.
LARGE BAYOU TRACT on north island, L$2048 firm. Quicksand and mayor nearby, but both are clearly marked. Apply to Bayou #26.
CHRISTMAS SHEEP are totally a thing. Get yours while supply lasts at Look What the Cat Dragged In. Spiegel Hall #2.
WE ARE TOLD THAT BEANS are going to be very high this year because some philanthropic bean handlers are gathering in all they can finance, to hold so as to have plenty of American Beans for the poor starving Belgians when the United States Relief Committee get ready to pay high prices for a food they must have, namely—BEANS. Time to buy is NOW—place to buy, Solari’s.
IF YOU DON’T FIND WHAT YOU WANT on this page, advertise for it. Don’t delay—run that little ad today. Phone NT-668.
Yensh is ready for pick up, come get it before Big Potato spills the beans.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.