

EXPERIENCED piano teacher, (lady), will exchange lessons (at pupil’s home) for noon lunch; walking distance. K-1, Tattler.

WANTED TO BUY—A small bicycle. Must be small enough for 6 or 7-year-old boy. Phone NT-338.


WANTED—A marble finisher who understands how to run an electric buffer. L-14, Tattler.

HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


GOOD strong boy, not afraid of work, needs position of any kind at once. Would like to learn some good trade, but will take any job. Good A-1 references, NT-978 and leave word for room 517.

MARRIED man with 7 children wants any kind of work. NT-534.

LADY must have work at once, clerking, stenographic work, office work, or would like to learn hair dressing with small wages to start. R. F. D. No. 4, Box 386.


FOR RENT—Small unfurnished room with stove, steps from car line. See Mrs. Desboulets at Ascension Cafe or phone NT-888.

[rented] BAYOU TREEHOUSE for rent. No need to worry about zombies or gators, except the dreaded flying gator, which of course does not even exist. Apply at La Vie Bayou #2.


COMPLETELY SAFE Bayou property for sale at a great price. Actually on the beaten track. Just north of the train station. Great place for rice, crawfishing, or frogging. Bayou #12 or phone De Lis, NT-518.

LADIES, proceed to the Old Town General Store for a fabulous winter dress. Only one is stock, grab it while you can. We are running an oyster special, and if the new employee gives you any hassle, please inform the proprietor.

OUR SHIP IS IN. We mean the ship from California that came by way of the Panama Canal, and has aboard our stock of Extra Fancy California Fruits and Pineapple in tin. Get it at Solari’s.

FOR SALE—Dressed pork at L$1 per pound; also twenty pigs, two months old. Telephone NT-207.


THE STILL HOUSE SALOON’S free lunch will be a ham plate and pumpkin pie, serving through the month of December. Come to Rossignol at Bourbon.

COME IN and let us demonstrate to you the new Edison phonograph with diamond reproducer. It’s the musical wonder of the age. E. R. Emmel, Pure Drug Dispenser.

LOVELY YOUNG SUFFRAGETTES are waiting for your call. Discuss politics and pantaloons for only L$5 per minute. Phone NT-355 now!

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.