WANTED—Street-adjacent cemetery plot. Contact Kristine Kristan, NT-723.
LIN LAUNDRY is hiring laundry workers. Experience preferred, but all applicants with good professional references will receive consideration. No felons. Contact Miette Lin at NT-435.
WANTED—Ladies, L$1 dozen making aprons at home; we pay you. Send stamped reply envelope for particulars. Globe Supply Co., Hornell, N. Y.
HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
CAN SUPPLY FRESH GAME for your table. Duck, quail, rabbit, redfish. Contact Wilson at the Bayou dock.
FOR SALE—Perambulator in good condition. Price L$12. Mrs. F. Hickenlooper, NT-119.
FOR SALE—Some fine purebred white leghorn six-month-old pullets. Call evenings after 4 o’clock at #9 Pontalba street.
E. L. HILL APPLE AND POTATO CAR IS HERE—I have the Spy, Baldwin and Golden Russet in five bushel lots and upwards. The best apples and potatoes on the market. Now is the time to lay in your winter supply.
BRING your old furs, plush coats and capes; have them made into fancy muffs by Mrs. Corbly next Friday afternoon at the Glove Emporium; furs relined.
ROCK MANETHO, the Black Stallion. It is important to select the proper kind of stock to breed in this country. The best is the cheapest. Small Creole mares bred to the best stallion will produce good serviceable stock for this country, equal to the stock we buy and not cost any more to raise than the ordinary pony stock and worth three times as much. ROCK MANETHO has all the qualities necessary to meet the above requirements. Terms and prices reasonable. Every one owning a mare should see R. A. Estes, Manager, Metairie Livery, Feed & Sale Stable.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.