WANTED—A light covered delivery wagon suitable for a laundry wagon. What have you? Address answer to L. W. care the Tattler.
AGENTS WANTED—I have a contract to distribute a million free packages borax soap powder. l want reliable men and women to help. L$8 weekly. Waverly Brown, 730 N.Franklin, Chicago.
HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
TREEHOUSE FOR RENT. Inquire at La Vie Bayou #2, New Toulouse Bayou.
SILVER BULLETS for sale. Would suit keen hunter. Still in original packaging. Unwanted gift. Lou Carew, NT-666.
NEW ELEGANT FLAPPER dress has arrived at the Old Town General Store.
HOME-KILLED MEAT, just like Ma used to kill. NT-197.
FREE FLOWERS for your loved ones’ tombs, on the counter at Weeds on Shotgun Row. All Saints’ Day is almost here!
“GRIDIRON CLUB” EXTRA DRY gingerale is a beverage far superior to the ordinary. Ask your dealer for this particular brand. See that the crown is branded “Gridiron Club” extra dry.
BEGUE’S RESTAURANT is open. This week’s special: Breakfast – Hot cinnamon rolls. Lunch/Dinner – Barbecue Ribs and the fixins, pecan pie and sweet tea. #2 Red Drum.
LOST—A beautifully marked, large gray and white cat, answers to name of “Tommy.” Any information in regard to him will be appreciated by Norvel Lawrence, NT-264.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.