SEEKING AVIATORS AND AVIATRICES to represent our fair city in “Steamlands 500” air race! This is your chance for fame and glory! These races will include a match between returning champions Komnene and Admiral Callidus Weylich! Contact Doctor Avalon at NT-290.
WANTED—Lace curtains to launder. Phone NT-121. Mrs. Luella Titterington.
GHOSTS WANTED. Is your building haunted? Tell us its story and become part of the Haunted New Toulouse ghost tour. Space is limited, so don’t delay! Phone NT-667.
HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
(rented) GLORYVILLE CRIB. No questions asked. #3 Basin Street.
MODERN AND SANITARY unfurnished room to let. Hot water and electricity available. Red Drum Place, Basin Street, New Toulouse.
(sold) LET THERE BE LIGHT. There will be light if you buy your electric light bulbs from me. All sizes Interstate Electric Company’s Mazda and Carbon Lamps in stock. Orders taken for all kinds of electrical appliances. J. C. Storm. CALIFORNIA TUNA FISH, the Aristocrat of the Sea. Solari’s have the Blue Sea Tuna and the Oyster Cocktail Sauce AND WE ALSO HAVE CANDY. Not the every day candy that you can buy anywhere, but candy that is perfection in the highest art of making candy, that leaves a lingering memory for more. MERCHANTS ARE REQUESTED not to purchase shelled corn from the Lilydown Plantation, all of which is stolen. Jas. P. Bowman. FOR SERVICE—Registered Kentucky jack, Fairbanks W. No. 5034. Terms: L$50 down and L$50 when foal comes. E. Brunet, at Lafitte’s saloon, New Toulouse, La. FOUND—Very talky parrot in the vicinity of Bayou Street and Bogus. Please come get it before it gives away your secrets or I allow the cats to have a treat. #3 Bayou St. Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.CEMETERY PLOT available. St. Louis Cemetery, New Toulouse.