GALERIE DIABOLIK, specializing in the erotic, grotesque, outlaw and wicked, is looking for artists to exhibit and promote. Inworld photography of special interest but not necessary. Contact Ulva Gloom, NT-555. (T4)
WHO’S GOT COARSE GRITS? The only grits we can get is very fine and no better than mush. In short, I’m advertising for some grocer or other individual selling coarse grits to drop me a line. Mrs. Francine J. Parr, Houma.
HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
A REFINED ELDERLY LADY would like work taking care of children by the day. Telephone NT-119.
DESIRABLE ROOM FOR RENT in brick courtyard building. Hot water and electric lights available. Inquire at Red Drum Place, Basin Street, New Toulouse.
PIGS FOR SALE—inquire Peter Schleuter, second house past the oak with an X carved on it.
GAS UP YOUR MOTORCAR and drive off with bargains! Special prices on watermelons and dry goods now. The Old Town General Store, Shotgun Row #8, New Toulouse.
LOVELY YOUNG SUFFRAGETTES are waiting for your call. Discuss politics and pantaloons for only L$5 per minute. Phone NT-355 now!
WE HAVE AGENTS making L$1000 to L$8000 a month, selling Kingsbury’s Kidney and Liver Herbs. For agency write Kingsbury & Frick, Oswego, Kansas.
NOTICE—The Dutch Bayou Baseball Team has changed its name to that of B. K. of A. The same old line up will be retained.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact Nikita Weymann to place an ad.