WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR for white glass marbles. Perrineau, NT-462.
[ALL RENTED NOW] DESIRABLE ROOMS in courtyard building close to streetcar line. Unfurnished; electric lights, hot water. Inquire at Red Drum Place, Basin Street, New Toulouse.
NOTICE—Sheriff of New Toulouse Parish has received license plates, and all Automobile owners are hereby requested to procure same according to law. Police Jury, H. Hodin, Secretary.
WANT A NICE PHOTO for your profile? A portrait to put up on your wall? Phone Miss Cessiliah Resident at NT-232 to make an appointment. L$10 per photo.
THE QUESTION—Can You Afford to be Without a GAS RANGE? Is answered easiest by pointing out to you the number of houses in your neighborhood now using a gas range and would not be without it. The necessity, of you using a cool, sanitary and economical gas range combined with our special, easy payment plan, means that the family with the most limited means cannot afford to cook on any range but a Gas Range. Whether you intend buying or not, visit our salesroom. You’re welcome. Smith Gas & Electric Co.
WANT A PICTURE with dear departed Granny? Maybe you need some advice on that pesky vampire, or you just want to know where your dead mama hid the recipe book. Make an appointment today with Galatea Monday, or just stop by the Haunted Jellyfish, New Toulouse’s premiere ghost photography studio, and buy some classic ghost art, or play with our spirit cabinet—a ghost is guaranteed in every click. The Haunted Jellyfish: Stop by for a Spell!
FOUND—On South Carricre street a bundle containing one shirt, one pair blue serge trousers and one necktie. Owner may have same by calling at the Tattler office, identifying same and paying for this ad.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact Nikita Weymann to place an ad.