OLD GOLD AND SILVER wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pistols, shot guns, musical instruments and all kinds of personal property. AMERICAN LOAN OFFICE, No. 5 Pirate Alley, I. INAKA, Prop. Tel. NT-780.
LAND FOR SALE. See our list of properties on page 7.
UNCLAIMED LETTERS remaining at Station A, New Toulouse, La., Post Office, Monday, October 16: WOMEN—Jas. Cahill, Hester Fennes, Mrs. Galla, M. Hargis, Fanny James, Bertha Johnson, Clemitine Johnson, (2); Louisie Lyrod. MEN—Freddie Ross. (Signed) CHARLES JANVIER, Postmaster. JOSEPH W. DANIELS, Superintendent Station A.
WE ARE EAGER to have every woman in this vicinity know of the merits of Wirthmor L$1.00 Waist. We want them to know this not only because they will thereafter buy them repeatedly, but more particularly because it demonstrates so convincingly the splendid results that can be attained when the retailer and manufacturer unite in close co-operation with a sincere desire to well serve the buying public. And in this connection let us add that we avail our selves of every opportunity for such co-operation as will be an aid in bettering our service or values. These thoroughly desirable Wirthmor Waists can be sold in just one good store in every city and they are sold here exclusively. B. LEMANN & BRO.
EXPERTO BARBERIA y especialista en cortes de pelo ofrece sus servicios a to la colonia Latina y tambien a domicilio, Masaje electrico—Agua fria y caliente. De del Telefono NT-445. Expert Barber specializing in all style haircuts—Foreign, American, Scientific massage. SILVANO CHAVEZ, 413 Dauphin St.
WOULD THE PERSON who left a message with my housekeeper over the weekend please phone again now that I am back in town. Having failed to solve the puzzle that was her note, I don’t know who you are, what you wanted, or how to get in touch with you. MRS. ETHEL VARNISH, tel. NT-966.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.