

SHOTGUN ROW property for sale, 468 LI at L$600 per week. Rental rights a mere L$750. #2 Shotgun Row or ‘phone Perrineau, NT-462.


FRENCH MARKET SHOPS for rent, L$200–L$400 according to size. Contact Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.

MODERN ELECTRIFIED ROOMS with balcony overlooking street. Entrance via courtyard. Suitable for office, studio, or living space. Apply to Red Drum Place No. 3 (Bassin between Morts Joyeux & Grenouilles) or to Mrs. Desboulets, NT-888.


WANTED AT ONCE—500 CARPENTERS. Guaranteed not less than 40c an hour; time and a half for overtime; guarantee good, comfortable, sanitary living quarters. Plenty good food. Apply to John O. Chisolm & Co., 146 Carondelet St.

THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


PARTIES DESIRING STENOGRAPHIC and typewriting work, specifications copied, circular letters, addressing of circulars and envelopes can have same done by Miss Cecelia Hymel, 315 Alix St.


SANITARY NOTICE. The throwing of dead animals and other refuse in the streets and ditches of New Toulouse is prohibited, and persons guilty of doing so will be fined. All householders are urged to help keep the town in a healthful condition by keeping their premises clean and free from rubbish of all descriptions. H. GODENOT, Mayor.


TIRES VULCANIZING—Blondeau, the Tire man, see him when all others fail. Tires all makes, all work guaranteed. Phone NT-869. Louisiana Vulcanizing Plant.

MAKE YOUR SWEETHEART a present that means profit and patriotism. Buy her a United States Liberty Bond.

NOTICE! I keep constantly on hand a full supply of Metallic and Wood Coffins, Trimmed. All sizes, from infant to adult. Up-to-date styles. Also carry Burial Costumes. Prices to suit customer. Can furnish at once. Orders received by wire or otherwise. LEOPOLD ELGUTTER, New Toulouse, Louisiana.

YOU NEED NOT be an “ad writer” to use these columns. State your wants simply, and above all truthfully. Or telephone this office and the clerk will write your ad.

WHEN YOUR HORSE is sick, phone Dr. V. Li Rocchi, NT-532.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.