WHY SHIP YOUR WOOL, hides, furs & wax when you can get just as good prices at home? I will pay Guaranteed St. Louis Prices! At any Station or Landing, please write me before you sell. J. SALOMON, New Toulouse, Louisiana. Telephone NT-409.
LAND FOR SALE. See our list of properties on page 7.
VEGETABLE SEEDS, every variety. You can do your part in the defence of your country by raising your own vegetables. Let your vegetables be your patriotic bouquet. “You get what you ask for.” PETER RUPP, Druggist.
[rented] STOREFRONT FOR RENT, L$200/week, #5 Pirate Alley. Contact Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS needed. Hard work, dangerous conditions, average pay, international travel. Must be able to Break, Rope, Ride, Pole Pirogue and Harpoon. Inquire at Perrineau’s, NT-462.
L$25 REWARD—A Reward of Twenty-Five Lindens will be paid for evidence that will convict petty thieves who have been destroying plumbing fixtures on my properties, by stealing brass, copper and lead parts from these fittings. JULIUS BODINGER, 157 Pontalba Street.
TAKE OVER BUSINESS—I have taken over the insurance business of Mr. GEO. HERBERT, JR., including all of the policies now in force together with his good will. All of these policies will now be looked after by L. J. PETERSON, agent Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Co., also representing many other companies.
SANITARY NOTICE. The throwing of dead animals and other refuse in the streets and ditches of New Toulouse is prohibited, and persons guilty of doing so will be fined. All householders are urged to help keep the town in a healthful condition by keeping their premises clean and free from rubbish of all descriptions. H. GODENOT, Mayor.
YOU WEREN’T INSURED? Well you should have been, but we can still work with you, on a percentage basis. Call Nocturnal Aviation, while you can still find us. Nocturnal Aviation, dba Banana Importers, NT-102.
HARK BACK—ADDICTS—A Neal course of treatment leaves a memory behind pleasanter than your drug dreams. It will be the shining calendar mark from which to date your re-enfranchisement as a FREE WILLED creature; but that’s not all. The few days you need to stay here will be recalled as physically pleasant days. For by the Neal Way the craving is quenched with none of the terrific withdrawal misery that now daunts you. Write for book (sent in plain wrapper) or call for particulars (in confidence). Neal Institute, 815 East 49th street, Chicago. Phone 439 Oakland.
PEOPLE ARE NOT mind readers. Place an ad in the Tattler.
THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE uses GAS for Cooking or Heating. It is the economical fuel. You can Turn it Off or On as needed. Call and See Our Gas Equipment. NEW TOULOUSE RAILWAY & LIGHT CO.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.