

SALESMAN WANTED to look after our interest in Toulouse and adjacent counties. Salary or Commission. Address Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, Oh.

HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


ABOUT 125 ACRES of Rice lands on the Chenet property, to let on shares. Rested three years and easily flooded. Apply to J. V. Chenet, Mount Airy, La.


FOR SALE—Seven Indian Runner Ducks, well mated and prolific layers. Price L$125 each. Address Eugene Dumez, New Toulouse Bayou.

PURE HOME-RENDERED LARD at L$1 per pound, Smoked Sausages, Dressed Beef, delivered in quantities at L$1 per pound. Send me your orders. W. A. Flateau, Wallace, La.


NOTICE TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS—The Police Jury of New Toulouse Parish calls the attention of Automobile Owners that the speed limit of the Parish is only 25 miles per hour. Violators will be dealt with accordingly. (Signed) H. Bodin, Secretary.

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—I will stand for the season my beautiful and well-bred Stallion MOBEL M., chestnut colt, star, hind ankle white. Sire: Mobel, Record 2:10. Dam: Sallie Simpson, Record 2:12. He is a splendid individual and has a good speed inheritance. Dr. S. Montegut, LaPlace, La.


NEW TOULOUSE LAKE COW, tastes like beef! And bacon! Inquire at Perrineau’s, NT-462.

PENMAN—I will write your name on one dozen or more cards at L$2 per dozen. Samples furnished on application. A trial order will be greatly appreciated by C. A. CAILLET, Penman, Hahnville, La.

COLORADO, WHERE IT’S COOL—The Ideal Vacation-land, a Mile High. Get there quick through reservation sleeper, every day on the Texas-Colorado Limited. Excursion Rates Now—Good All Summer. Ask T. & P. Ry. Agents, or write Geo. D. Hunter, G. P. A., Dallas, Texas.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact Nikita Weymann to place an ad.