BAYOU LAND FOR SALE. See our list of properties on page 7.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.
UNCLAIMED LETTERS remaining at Station A, New Toulouse Postoffice, week ending Thursday, November 24. MEN—Alexander, Dr.; Johnson, Claud; Kleinsmith, William H. WOMEN—Alons, Miss Rose; Bobet, Mrs. B.; Dunn, Mrs. C. E.; Johnson, Mrs. Richard; Jones, Mrs. Octavia; Lee, Mrs. Mary; Lewis, Mrs. Sam; Lalla, Mrs. Jake; Mielocksey, Mrs. Sade; Markey, Mrs. Julia; Remondot, Mrs. P.; Robertson, Mrs. Sarah; Walker, Mrs. Lucy; Washington, Mrs. Ovelia. —CHARLES JANVIER, Postmaster. JOS. W. DANIELS, Superintendent Station A.
NOW SHOWING at Dante’s Theatre! Enjoy Dante’s L’Inferno in the Upstairs Cinema. This is the Italian Masterpiece we have all been waiting for! Fine spirits await you after the viewing in our Downstairs Parlour. Coming soon: A Christmas Carol, December 1–31. DANTE’S, 24 Rue du Rossignol (at Shotgun Row).
SPECIAL NOTICE—The New Toulouse Scrap Material Company, Inc., wishes to announce that Mr. H. Cohen is no longer connected with the concern in any matter whatsoever.
SAVE TROUBLE AND COST by buying your FRUIT CAKE now for the coming holiday season. There’s none better than MRS. KING’S Old-Fashioned, Home-Made CREOLE FRUIT CAKE. In 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 pound sizes. A. M. & J. SOLARI Ltd., New Toulouse, La.
THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE uses GAS for Cooking or Heating. It is the economical fuel. You can Turn it Off or On as needed. Call and See Our Gas Equipment. NEW TOULOUSE RAILWAY & LIGHT CO.
BICYCLES bought, sold and repaired. Go-Cart tires put on L$1 per set. Gonzales Bicycle Repair and Messenger Service, 110 Carricre Street, Phone NT-468.
LOST—Several tarot cards. If found please return to Celestina Navarre, #8 Bayou Street (rear). Reward.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.