

WANTED—To rent an electric fan for the summer months. Call NT-549, A. J. Kempner.

WANTED—Nightcrawlers. Buford’s Bait Shop, New Toulouse Bayou.

WANTED—Fifty old feather beds; will pay highest cash price. Address postal to American Feather Co., New Toulouse, La. Will have man call.

HELP WANTED—The New Toulouse Tattler seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


FOR SALE—A rubber tire carriage; full leather top. Also a young jersey cow. Call NT-478.


RENT A KITTEN—For a mere L$1 per day, borrow one of our delightful kittens. No need to worry about what to do once it matures into a sullen cat. You must provide food and shelter. Talk to Natty down by the carousel and select a cuddly temporary companion today.

IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a nice cool place to do your summer dressmaking, with instructions, come to Miss Johnson’s dressmaking school, first door north of New Toulouse National bank. For information, call NT-952.

IN DESPERATE NEED for the voodoo woman Lethea. Need drugs to make certain bug sleep. /Liza


LOST—One roan heifer weighing about 900 pounds. Notify T. J. Colvin, NT-581.

LOST—A pair of rimless skeleton frame spectacles in a leather case, in the vicinity of the Kate Chopin library. Reward offered if returned to Tattler office.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact Nikita Weymann to place an ad.