

CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE—New Toulouse #6, entire block. Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.

TENNIS SHOES—White Black Tan. High and Low, with and without heels; also Baby doll style. All sizes and grades from 49c up. All of our customers will tell you we save them money. Why not you be our customer. Renecky Shoe Store.

CEMETERY PLOT FOR SALE—St. Louis Cemetery #32, slightly used tomb included or BYOT. Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


RED DRUM PLACE—Rooms for rent in courtyard building, balcony overlooks Basin street. Telephone Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.

SHOP FOR RENT—#5 Pirate Alley. Contact Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


SOLICITOR WANTED—Salary and Commission paid by a reliable New Toulouse concern for lady solicitors who have ability as saleslady. Sincere worker may earn from L$15 to L$25 a week. L$5 salary guaranteed. In making application state any previous experience and residenc. Address G. W., care Tattler.


OIL LAMPS and other lighting add more heat! Electric Light is Heat Proof. New Toulouse Railway & Lighting Co. Phone NT-790.

IF YOU SHOULD DIE TONIGHT, would you leave your wife and children protected? A policy in the Mutual Independent Insurance Company is the best protection there is. AGRICOLA FUSILIER, Agent

BROWNIE Household Wax for Ironing. A. BALDWIN & CO. LTD.

WHEN THE TIME COMES that you really need a smuggler, will you want to work with a stranger? Establish an important business relationship today, smuggle something just for fun. Use Nocturnal Aviation, we’ve been carrying secret cargoes for over a fiftieth of a century.


LOST—In vicinity of Kari’s Bar and Dance, lady’s panama hat with black velvet facings and rose trimmings; reward. Return to the Tattler.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.