CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE—New Toulouse #6, entire block. Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.
CEMETERY PLOT FOR SALE—St. Louis Cemetery #32. Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.
FOR SALE—Five passenger Overland, model 83; bought four months ago, A1 condition. Good reasons for selling. Address “Overland” care Tattler.
SHOP FOR RENT—#5 Pirate Alley. Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.
POSITION as housekeeper, good home small wages. Mrs. Laura Kimball, Gen’l Delivery.
UNCLAIMED LETTERS remaining at Station A, New Toulouse, La., Post Office, week ending Thursday, August 4: MEN—J. H. Bell, Isah Boyd, Vic G. Galman, Edgar Johnson, Henry Johnson, J. L. Louis, William Smith, Morgan Wilson. WOMEN—Mrs. Julia Danceler (special), Mrs. Emma Judlin, Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Mrs. Celia Walker, Mrs. Chas. M. Winslow. CHARLES JANVIER, Postmaster. JOS. W. DANIELS, Superintendent, Station A.
SWAMP-ROOT is not recommended for everything; but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it may be found just the remedy you need. At druggists in L$1 and L$2 sizes. You may receive a sample size bottle of this reliable medicine by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about it. Address A. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper.
PEOPLE ARE NOT mind readers. Place an ad in the Tattler.
SKILLED TAILORS make the good clothes we sell. Yes: and they make them out of fine all-wool materials, too. Let us slip the tape around you and make for you a fine, stylish suit. You will have hundreds of samples to select from; you will get a perfect fit and first-class workmanship. Let us make just one suit for you and you’ll be proud of your clothes and pleased with the price. HARRY, the TAILOR. “Your Credit Is Good.”
MARRY—For sure success try an old responsible club established nine years, guaranteed satisfaction, over 9,000 members, many wealthy. Testimonials and descriptions free. Respectable club. Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland, Cal.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.