

CEMETERY PLOT—St. Louis Cemetery #23, slightly used tomb included or BYOT. Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES for rent—#1 Rue du Rossignol, entire building. #5 Pirate Alley, small storefront. Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


LADY with boy 7 wants position as housekeeper. Mrs. Lenz, Box H-7, Tattler.


DOCTOR AVALON would like to remind the town that there are TWO upcoming events. One tomorrow will be the redone “aquavitae” roman spa, complete with new swimming pool! The other is about the 18th, the dance at the cup and harp! Both events start at 6 slt, and both feature DJ Dr Maddox!

ALL PERSONS having bills against the parish are hereby respectfully requested to present same to the Police Jury on Wednesday preceding the regular monthly meeting, otherwise these bills will not be paid until the following meeting of the Police Jury. H. Bodin, Secretary.


NOTICE—First class dressmaking, tailoring and remodeling. Party dresses a specialty. Mesdames Wood and Mouse, NT-855.

ICE DAYS HERE and our modern plant is in perfect condition and we are prepared to supply you in any quantity of the best quality of ice ever produced. In case the service rendered by our drivers is not up to your standard we will appreciate the fact if you will call our attention to it. Ozone Ice Co., “The Home of Honest Weight.” Telephone NT-368.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.