WANTED—At once, two young men in soda parlor. Must be over sixteen and hustlers. Harris & Mead, New Toulouse.
WANTED—High grass to mow. Write Will Haney, New Toulouse.
THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks reporters, photographers, and columnists. Interested parties please contact Nikita Weymann. NT-668.
SMALL MISSOURI FARM—Either 10, 20, 30, or 40 acres (you take your choice, regardless of size), also three town lots and 300 shares in successful 1000-acre orchard company with two canning factories and full equipment; all for only L$30,000; L$500 down and L$500 monthly without interest or taxes. Will pay round trip fare of buyers. Payments stop in case of death. Write for photographs and full information. Willis R. Munger, New York Life, Kansas City, Mo.
FOR SALE, CHEAP—Gasoline engine. This engine has been kept in the Tattler office as a reserve power and is not worn or misused. Will develop 7 h.p. and is just the thing for an elevator or for farm work. See the engine; ask the price. The Tattler, New Toulouse.
EXPERIENCE THE MARVELS OF INDIA! Sinbad’s hidden treasures! Strange animals! Exotic smoke signals seen by Marco Polo! Unknown paths hold unexpected mysteries. Book now with Argonaut Travel, #4 Shotgun Row.
YOU SAVE MONEY and time by selecting your wallpaper at home. I have the Henry Bosch Co.’s entire line and would be pleased to show them to you and give you an estimate on your decorating and painting. W. R. Wood. NT-701.
AN END TO WORRY—With the increasing airship and aeroplane traffic in the skies above New Toulouse, not to mention the occasional meteor fall, now is the time to prepare for the worst. Insure your property against aerial damage today. Burke & Lapin, NT-777.
Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word. No advertisement taken for less than L$25. Contact Nikita Weymann to place an ad.