

FARM WANTED—Describe fully, state size, price, etc., owners only. Write W. H. BROWN, 406 1st Life Bldg., ST. LOUIS, MO.


The FORD Tractor, Model B—Notwithstanding the recent heavy advances in the price of steel and iron, and practically all materials used in its construction, THE FORD TRACTOR, New Model B with many up-to-date improvements maintains its supremacy as the lowest priced serviceable tractor on the market. Fully Equipped, L$465 f.o.b Factory. I have on hand one tractor, selling at L$350. CHAS WEYDERT.

CEMETERY PLOT—St. Louis Cemetery #23, slightly used tomb included or BYOT. Certified unhaunted by actual priest (part-time). Excellent source of goofer dust. Serious offers only to Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


RED DRUM PLACE—Room in strictly modern building. Entrance via courtyard. Telephone Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


RESPECTABLE middle-aged lady desires position in widower’s family, city or country. N-3, The Tattler.


TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS—The Police Jury of New Toulouse Parish calls the attention of Automobile Owners that the speed limit of the Parish is on 25 miles per hour. Violators will be dealt with accordingly. (Signed) H. Bodin, Secty.


PRIZES FOR ALL who can make it through to the end of “Death Picks a Winner,” the controversial new film from BSI Pictures, playing at the Aeon Theater through May 30. Do you have what it takes?

BE A DETECTIVE—Earn L$150 to L$300 a month. Travel around the world. Experience unnecessary. Write Universal Detective Correspondence School, Houston, Texas.

NOTICE—First class dressmaking, tailoring and remodeling. Party dresses a specialty. Mesdames Wood and Mouse, NT-855.


LOST—A lavaliere with three diamond pendants. Lost between Pontalba street and City Hall. Reward if returned to Tattler office.

LOST—One seat cushion and radiator cap taken from Reo roadster. Call NT-823.