

WHO wants some capital? Will invest L$100 and services in established business. Address L-6, Tattler.


CADILLAC, 5-passenger, 35 h. p., Rayfield carbureter, Bosch magneto, electric lights and horn, speedometer, etc; in fine condition, L$200 cash or L$225 on terms. NT-459.

PLOT FOR SALE—St. Louis Cemetery #23, slightly used tomb included or BYOT. Certified unhaunted by actual priest (part-time). Excellent source of goofer dust. Serious offers only to Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


RED DRUM PLACE—Rooms in strictly modern building. Entrance via courtyard. Telephone Lazaire Bienvenu, Agent, NT-333.


THE NEW TOULOUSE TATTLER seeks talented reporters, photographers, and columnists. Phone Nikita Weymann, NT-668.


MINUTES OF CITY MEETING—Motion made and seconded that the City borrow from the Bank of Commerce the sum of L$2800. L$1200 to take up a note now due the bank, L$600 amount voted by the people of New Toulouse for school purposes, and L$1000 for running expenses of the City, and that the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign note for the same. Motion carried and meeting adjourned. Y. FOLLET, Clerk.


PRIZES FOR ALL who can make it through to the end of “Death Picks a Winner,” the controversial new film from BSI Pictures, now playing at the Aeon Theater. Do you have what it takes?

OUR CLOTHES FIT because we slip the tape around you and measure you for them. Skilled tailors make them and the style is needled right into every garment. Come in and select your pattern from the hundreds shown in our sample book. Then you’ll have a good suit that will fit you perfectly, and it will only cost you about the same as the ready made kind. HARRY, the TAILOR. “Your Credit Is Good.”


NOTICE! I keep constantly on hand a full supply of Metallic and Wood Coffins, Trimmed. All sizes, from infant to adult. Up-to-date styles. Also carry Burial Costumes. Prices to suit customer. Can furnish at once. Orders received by wire or otherwise. LEOPOLD ELGUTTER, New Toulouse, Louisiana.


MARRY—For sure success try an old responsible club established nine years, guaranteed satisfaction, over 9,000 members, many wealthy. Testimonials and descriptions free. Respectable club. Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland, Cal.


LOST—At the Green-Eyed Fairy, Brownie No. 3 kodak. Return to Tattler offices for reward.

LOST—1 gilt sow with 5 pigs, 2 black and 3 red. Finder return to T. R. White and receive reward. N. T. Bayou.

Classified ads are posted every Monday and are L$1 per word; fee waived for sufficiently amusing advertisements. Contact NT-668 to place an ad.