Ask Miss Gala

Galatea Monday resides corporeally in New Toulouse with her bulldog Al Capone, loads of books, and her spirit guides Minerva and Calpurrnia. She has been contacting spirits for advice ever since she tipped over her first saucer of milk.

Send your questions to Miss Gala by mailing or dropping a note into her mailbox at our headquarters.

Dear Miss Gala,

Valentine’s Day is approaching, and I’m not sure what to do for my new sweetheart. We’ve only just met a week ago, and although it may be premature, I’m worried about overdoing or underdoing it on that fateful day.


Dear Smitten,

A holiday only brings the amount of stress we permit. And when we first meet and fall in love with someone, that can be stressful enough (but in a very good way). So, don’t stress the holiday; just enjoy your new love interest. Valentine’s Day should be easy, stress-free thoughtfulness. If you’ve just met, there are still so many mysteries to discover, so don’t rush it. Instead, why not create an opportunity for discovery, and take your sweetheart out to dinner? Maybe a late picnic treat on the river, beneath a lovely old tree? Maybe start the day with breakfast in bed, or pack your sweetheart a lunch with a sweet treat and a love note. The note can be as simple as a lipstick smack on a sliver of paper or a simple “XOXO.”

Have fun, take time getting to know one another, and don’t give in to the Hallmark Horror of it all—make your own tradition.


Dear Miss Gala,

Recently there have been zombie sightings near my home. I know everyone is frightened by them, because they are assumed to be mindless monsters, but perhaps we just misunderstand them? I feel that by using the Z-word, we are marginalizing this misunderstood population and perpetuating hate. Is there a better word we can use? Is there a way we can gain a deeper understanding of them?

Looking for peace,

Dear Zed,

How compassionate and charmed you and your world must be. Let’s call them post-human, and designate you our Ambassador to Post-Human Efforts and Wonder (PHEW).

Bien à vous,

Dear Miss Gala,

Where do babies come from?

Curious on Basin

Cher Curious,

The Devil.


Dear Miss Gala,

My cat keeps chasing my dog. I’m concerned they have some sort of identity dysphoria. What should I do?

Worried on the Bayou

Dear Worried,

I think you’re the one with the identity issues. It sounds like your furry companions are sorting out their disagreements naturally. Next time, send pics!


Dear Miss Gala,

This is my first year in New Toulouse for Mardi Gras! I am way excited. What’s the best way to get involved?

So Stoked!

Dear Stoked,

Welcome! Mardi Gras is a lot of fun here in New Toulouse. You may want to join a krewe or stop by the different bars to see what interests you. At the very least, be sure you’re a member of the Gens de New Toulouse group and are receiving notices. I’m sure all sorts of wonderful goodies are planned for this great holiday. My most salient advice: hydrate!

I look forward to seeing you!

À bientôt,