Ask Miss Gala

Galatea Monday resides corporeally in New Toulouse with her bulldog Al Capone, loads of books, and her spirit guides Minerva and Calpurrnia. She has been contacting spirits for advice ever since she tipped over her first saucer of milk.

Send your questions to Miss Gala by mailing or dropping a note into her mailbox at our headquarters.

Dear Miss Gala,

Is there a polite way to refuse an offer of friendship, especially from a random person one has only just met?


Dear Misanthro’,

First off, great handle! I think it’ll be my next e-mail address.

But to your real question: Consulting my spirit guides, Minerva and Calpurrnia, they tell me that though there may be a polite way to do something, gentility is in the eye of the beholder. So the person who compulsively collects friends may or may not like your batting away her or his self-perceived amity regardless of your smile, but that’s not really your problem, as your name suggests.

You could do what more sheepish SLers do, which is to accept the friendship gracefully and then delete the person when they’re not online. That’s a little thing the spirit guides like to call the Friendship Stomp.

Bien amicalement,

Dear Miss Gala,

I am having so much trouble finding the right balance of prims in my modest home. How do we decide between the davenport and the bed?

PrimRose and Violet

Chère amis,

Some davenports are beds, love. You may not need the pair. But I find the best way to manage the ever-present prim shortage is to rez your fantasy space and then start to remove what is absolutely unneeded and replace it with a lower-prim version. The new mesh seems to be enormously helpful in keeping the prim situation economical. I also find crates and trunks to be lower-prim replacements for desks, tables, dressers, and doorstops. Good luck!

Bien amicalement,

Dear Miss Gala,

What’s the best way to deal with bloodstains?

Sticky on the Bayou

Cher Sticky,

I recommend bourbon, a pair of scissors, and an alibi.

Bonne chance,