A Gentleman’s Advice

A Gentleman's Advice

From: Neurotic in New Toulouce
Re: Paralyzed by my desires

Dear Sir,

For the past year i have been playing a female avatar, yet I am a man in real life. This fulfills a desire of mine that I could not so easily fulfill off the grid. I am bisexual but tend to prefer the company of gentlemen.

Recently, I have met a fellow and fallen in love—he is wonderful! He has no idea that I’m secretly a man, and I am not sure whether to tell him the truth before this affair goes much further. I have a lot of apprehension, and the fear of losing him, although he is very broad-minded and has friends of all sorts inworld, has me paralyzed.

My beau and I have been intimate, and now he is hinting at making our relationship exclusive, which I would agree to immediately if only I knew what to do regarding the aforementioned dilemma.

What do you think I should do, Mr. Nixon?

Dear Neu,

Love is so elusive for many of us and can be fleeting, it seems, once we actually do find it in this strange, beautiful world. I am reluctant to counsel you in the direction of admitting to your love a detail about your real life that has so far played no part in your relationship. 

Will it ever? 

Only if you choose to inform him can it ever become a factor. And, if it did come out, there seems to be every chance that he would take it in stride and probably think nothing of it. But most likely he will never know; he will only love you for who you are inside. 

Remember, dear, shit doesn’t stink till it comes out, as they say around the docks of the French Market. Enjoy your newfound love, and go have some prim babies!


From: Max-a-million
Re: Role-play rules suck

If New Toulouse is supposed to be like New Orleans, how come the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan do not have a meeting hall? That is right, I am saying that the KKK should have the same rights in role-play as gumbo eaters. It is not fair!

Dear Max,

New Toulouse was created for intelligent, civilized people to enjoy, not idiots. But you can pretend to be a KKK member to your heart’s content elsewhere in SL, at places such as Ahern.

Type “Ahern” into search and begin a new, unrestricted chapter in your role-playing. And make sure your sheet is white as can be. 

Good luck.


Maurice Nixon was deported from Prussia to the United States of America for writing a book on good manners for gentlemen. Prussian authorities alleged that the book belittled the monarch. The following year, the monarchy was abolished; Mr. Nixon is doing well.

Send your questions to Mr. Nixon care of the Tattler. (Our ether-mail link is in the sidebar, under Meta.)